I started as a patient in the clinic due to problems with both neck and shoulder, and am in treatment with David when I was looking for a physiotherapist who also had experience with Osteopathy. I have been exposed to a neck injury for some years now, and now again experienced increasing headaches, constant tension in the neck, limited movement and occasionally stronger pain. After not much more than three treatments, I was pain free, able to move my neck effortlessly again, just as my headache ceased.
We are thus continuing to work together on the challenges I experience with one shoulder. In this connection, David introduced me to a new form of treatment called Functional Neurology or P-DTR (Prioprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex) which in addition to treating and starting from the relevant pain area on the body, can also have an effect on early experiences and emotional trauma such as we have forgotten or repressed, but as the body may remember.
4 years ago I went through a course of illness, which in several ways was a very invasive and traumatic course. I had especially experienced anxiety in a specific situation and could barely talk about it afterwards. After the first treatment of the shoulder with P-DTR, I subsequently had the wonderful experience when I had to have a check-up which would normally reactivate and cause the anxiety to flare up again that it just did not happen. I was completely taken both the days before the study and on the day itself, unlike previous years. There is definitely something emotional that has been redeemed at the same time.
David is very trustworthy and super professional, thorough and serious in his work. I have complete confidence in his treatment and can warmly recommend him to anyone else who may need a dedicated, professional and very competent therapist.
Pernille Fonnesbech Sandberg