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By shoulder pain is meant pain around the shoulder joint itself or the joint between the collarbone and the shoulder / shoulder blade.

Shoulder pain occurs frequently. In a general medical practice, approximately 40-50 patients come annually with shoulder disorders.


¼ of older people have more or less all the time pain from the shoulder

What is shoulder pain?

There are many different diagnoses, and the shoulder joint is also one of the complex joints, purely biomechanically.

The typical symptoms are:

  • Pain and reduced mobility

  • Irritation around the tendons and mucous membranes

  • The joint capsule can be affected and cause so-called frozen guilt


Read about the most common shoulder diagnoses on this page:

Impingement Syndrome

Squeeze syndrome is a diagnosis in which there is a tendon, joint capsule or mucous sac, which is pinched between the humerus and the shoulder girdle. This can cause inflammation in the structures, which swells up.

This is a very common sports injury and the most common cause of shoulder pain.

The symptoms are pain deep inside the shoulder, which can radiate down to the outside of the upper arm, where the pain is sometimes experienced most strongly.

The pain is provoked if you lift the arm out to the side, where the first part of the movement does not hurt terribly, but is worst when the arm reaches close to the horizontal.


In the case of an acute injury, such as a fall that has caused inflammation in a mucous sac so that it rises, and thereby creates pinching, it is a good idea to relieve the shoulder for the first few days. Finally, make sure to move the shoulder, as this can help you recover faster, as well as avoid further complications.

It is a good idea to start rehabilitation quickly in the form of movement exercises for the shoulder and slow, gradual stability and strength training.


In the case of an acute injury, such as a fall that has caused inflammation in a mucous sac so that it rises, and thereby creates pinching, it is a good idea to relieve the shoulder for the first few days. Finally, make sure to move the shoulder, as this can help you recover faster, as well as avoid further complications.

It is a good idea to start rehabilitation quickly in the form of movement exercises for the shoulder and slow, gradual stability and strength training.

If the pain has been going on for more than 3 months, it is no longer likely that it is structures that cause the pain, but a hypersensitive nervous system.

Contact a physiotherapist with knowledge within the nervous system and modern pain science, who can help with advice and guidance in relation to training.

At OPTIMUS - Physiotherapy & Pain Clinic, we specialize in the treatment of the nervous system and can help normalize the hypersensitivity of the sensory cells, which can send too many signals to the brain and thereby maintain the experience of pain.

Frozen shoulder

A frozen shoulder is an inflammatory condition of the shoulder capsule. The cause of this inflammation is unknown and can come on completely spontaneously without any provocation. Occasionally it occurs after an injury to the shoulder.

The condition usually occurs in the 40-60 age group, equally frequently in men and women.

The risk of developing the disease is higher if you have diabetes.


It starts with pain in the shoulder when moving in extreme positions. Outward rotations in particular can hurt. Gradually, the shoulder becomes increasingly stiff, so movements in all directions are restricted, continuing with pain in extreme positions. The pain then gradually disappears, but the stiffness persists. slowly the stiffness also disappears. the whole disease process can take ½-3 years.

Shoulder instability

There can be several causes of shoulder instability. Joint lip, joint capsule, ligaments or the small stabilizing muscles around the shoulder joint (rotator cuff) can be limp or damaged.

The shoulder is a complex joint in which many structures are interdependent. If the rotator cuff does not work optimally, for example, there will be a risk that other structures will be overloaded.


These are typically diffuse pains experienced by an unstable shoulder. Click sounds can occur with movement and reduced force. Due to instability, the articular head of the humerus cannot be kept centered in the articular cup during powerful movements - such as ball throws, and therefore frequent squeezing syndrome occurs due to instability.


If structures such as the articular lip, joint capsule or ligament are the cause of shoulder instability, these cannot be retrained and made stronger. One must therefore look at the small stabilizing muscles around the shoulder joint and optimize their function.

However, it is important to remember that the body functions as a whole and we humans move in kinematic chains (Kinematic Chains). In some cases, shoulder instability is the body's way of compensating for something else that is not working. It is therefore important to clarify whether the symptom area is actually the main cause, or whether there are other parts of the body that your brain is trying to protect.

If you are suffering from shoulder problems, contact us and let us make a plan together to get you back to a pain-free everyday life.

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